Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bald Mountain - Weld, Maine

Bald Mountain is one of my favorite hikes. Actually there are 8 Bald Mountains in Maine! This one is a short hike - just 3 miles, but very steep - 2370 feet, 1400 vertical rise.

Once you find the trailhead from the road (not an easy task) you start out by crossing a brook.

Then you hike through a mixed hardwood forest. Check out the tree roots on the rock.

Finally you emerge above the timberline into scrub then onto the bald ledges.

The view at the top is breath-taking from every direction. Behind me you can see Lake Webb, Tumbledown, The Jacksons, and Blueberry Mountain.

Mount Blue is to the north.

We picked wild cranberries, and blueberries. Its hard to pick with Emily around because she likes to eat them too.

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