Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hilary's Restaurant, Royal Palm Beach, FL

Yesterday we met Mom & Dad for lunch at one of our favorite spots. They just got off the golf course. Aren't they lookin' good?

Hilary's is known for the biggest corned beef sandwich 'in the West'. And, its the best.

Its so nice to be able to hang with them again!


  1. They do look great! It's going to be so much fun to see pictures of Grandma and Grandpa on your blog now. I'm glad you had a good trip down. And thank you for the Halloween card. It was cute.

  2. Aw! Those are nice photos. :) They look so happy. I'm glad you're having a nice time.

    Love, Katie

  3. Don't tell me Jerry ate that all in one bite!
