Friday, October 30, 2009

A Drive Along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia

On our way to Florida we took the 'western route' instead of I95 all the way so we could do some sight seeing. Our first adventure was a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway which is 469 miles through Virginia and North Carolina along the Appalachian mountains. Since we only had 1 extra day to spend on our way south we could not drive the whole thing. We poured over the maps and decided to get on in Roanoke, Virgina. (Rte 220 off Rte 81). Everything is described by mile marker, so it was hard to tell the best places to enter and exit the parkway.

We stopped for gas here before getting on.

We couldn't imagine anyplace as beautiful as fall in New England, but we were most impressed.

There were great spots for picnics. Lots of families who lived in the area came for the day.

Farms by the side of the road.

Beautiful views everywhere.

The gristmill at Marbry Mill.
Views of Cahas Mountain, 3571 feet.

We even got to hear some music! I do wish we had a week.

We took rte. 77 back to rte. 81 to continue or adventure further south.


  1. Ooh pretty! The picnic looks cute.

  2. haha - I didn't really eat all those peanuts. We had a fun trip.
