Monday, October 25, 2010

Spooky Halloween Brunch

Katie outdid herself once again with a delicious Halloween Spooky Brunch
My favorite desert - Dirt From The Graveyard

Sarah made fossil cookies inspired by the November issue of  Martha Stewart Living.  They came out great!

Pumpkin Puffs - Taste as good as they look
Seven Feet Under Dip - had to go back for more...

My Spooky Family

I wore my spider ears.

Stevie looks good wearing the spiders too!

Thanks Katie, Our Spooky Cook

Happy Halloween!


  1. That was fun! I'm glad you and Sarah blogged about it. I'm so glad you came!

  2. Our blogs look the same right now! I like your pictures of our spooky family. I'm glad you got to come.

  3. It was a fun spooky brunch. I'm glad you could come and I liked your costume!
