Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Late August Maine Garden

Balancing Owls in front of phlox, coneflowers, and bee balm. 

I was so excited to pick my first pumpkins. 
I like to grow sugar pumpkins because they are also good to cook with.

Morning Glories climb the trellis entering the vegetable garden.
I planted them once and they self-seed, coming back each year.
I love the sound of the bamboo wind chimes.
Late summer border of pink and white coneflowers, purple lobelia, and phlox in bloom.

Everything looks good in front of the grey boulders.
This petunia is the centerpiece of the garden.  It is surrounded by silver artemesia and phlox.

Container with lime green licorice (helichrysum), matches the green on the edges of the leaves of the coleus.
In the center is purple fountain grass.

Lots of butterflies flutter through the garden. 


  1. Those pumpkins are so cute! I want to grow them when I have a real garden someday. I like the picture in front of the gray boulder too.

  2. Wow! i like it, go green right ?! I write a review about your blog at my blog. Just visit my blog anytime :D happy green :)
